
Feature request: post marked as "seen by moderator/designer"

It would be nice if a post could be marked with a symbol that would mean "seen by moderator/designer" . They dont have to comment, just mark...this way we know that "lichess" is aware.
Dear @CanadaQuebec!
Believe me, lichess team members such as moderators, developers, content, broadcasters and other contributors are reading through the forum on daily basis.
Just wondering what kind of benefit would you get if we will give you a "read receipt" with your suggested symbol - but there still will be no answer?
My main worry is that it will only give you false expectations - that someone from lichess official team has read the post, but clearly choose not to respond.
If this feature gets implemented I will not go around and checkmark the posts I have read. Sorry.
Happy chess playing and all best :)
@Funkmaus it is reassuring to be reminded that posts are read, thanks. The idea of marking without commenting is to lessen the burden of replying with text so that posts are read and actioned (if deemed worth an action).
@CanadaQuebec - I think that if such a system were to be introduced, it would cause a spate of threads from individuals who ́d seen that their posts had been read and who were now demanding to know why their very important posts had neither been answered nor acted upon. I think our patient and long-suffering (and unpaid) mods already have enough on their plates as it is!
@CanadaQuebec said in #1:
> It would be nice if a post could be marked with a symbol that would mean "seen by moderator/designer" . They dont have to comment, just mark...this way we know that "lichess" is aware.

I do not understand which problem you are trying to fix. I am already sometimes replying with "We are aware of this issue" or similar to forum posts, and so are other moderators. Making it a mark instead of a comment would not change anything.

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