
Rematch button sometimes not there

Is there a minimum number of moves that must be made in a game for the rematch button to be availabe?

I just played a game where my opponent resigned on move 3 after accidentally hanging his queen, and there was no rematch option.

Sometimes, when someone resigns on move 3, they've just blundered and it isn't sandbagging!
I think it's like that beacause the lichess system don't know if it's sandbagging or just a blunder

BTW, if he blundered in 3 moves you should give him takeback :)
I couldn't offer a takeback because he didn't ask, he just resigned.
If the opponent has left the game page, u cannot rematch
@KenulL_76 said in #6:
> If the opponent has left the game page, u cannot rematch
I think he knew that
He just wondered about why you can't when it's only a few moves.

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