

on behalf of the lord himself i will covey a message "i have been forum banned and i dont know if i can live with myself
and tell them to click the horsey button if they want me unbanned" his words exactly it came to me while listening to some calming heavy metalXD
@LordSupremeChess would like to send a message:

I have been chatbanned. At this rate, I am unsure how or if I can live with myself. The forums are the only way I talk most of the time.
@clousems @dukedog @rainbow_pink_lover @banzai9 @argmon09 @theodorecalexico @xx_cassidy_xx @elliot0518 @dstne @borisospasky @mrpushwood @tpr @george_mcgeorge @kenull_76 @mrchess76 @syeda_faiza @lanna15 and everyone else who I've talked to in the last two years, I love you as much as I do my crush. You're the reason I can breathe today. And if you want to despise me, then go ahead. I know the mods aren't going to like this, but let's face the facts. The Lichess forums are nearly dead. Off topic at least. I'm trying to fix that as best as possible while keeping my life together. Discord isn't the place for that. Tank trouble is the same. I will not make it through the next stage of my life without the ability to communicate in forums. But that's up to you. I want you to know, I'm not doing this for attention or pity. I'm doing it because I'm not sure I'll last another day without forums. I'm currently not doing well either. I'm facing multiple challenges that for the sake of privacy I will not state, but I rarely even go anywhere or do anything I want to anymore. Even my YouTube isn't fun. Why? Because I have no one to have fun with. Except on here. So @thibault and @mods, make your say quickly. It could determine whether I die or not in a factual stance, not a theoretical one.

This is a message for the community, not just the mods. Love, LSC.
How could he be getting banned all of a sudden? He hasn't been any worse than usual, right? :)
Fear not, good citizens of Lichess, for the Second Coming shall soon be upon us and the Lord will grace these forums once again.
@MrPushwood said in #5:
> How could he be getting banned all of a sudden? He hasn't been any worse than usual, right? :)
LOL Idk tbh I think he has ️️️️
@Autofill said in #9:
> Rip lsc

Yea he said he was worried about being murdered. Hopefully nothing like that happens.

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