
Can you join all hourly tournaments, but not play in them? Is that forbidden on Lichess?

Fair enough @sgtlaugh - on "higher" end we see who joins the tournament without playing and indeed, those cases are rare - but those are the ones about who users complain. Under top10 we do not see it - and they silently stay in the standings of the tournament.
I understand and agree that the effort is not worth the reward - but if that is easy to code and the system can handle it automatically, it is still worth implementing - additionally.
@Funkmaus will this also apply to grandmasters,,if so implemented??some also join tournaments,lets say the titled arena tournaments and still don't play:⁠-⁠)
@Whale_2023 said in #1:
> Can you join all hourly tournaments, but not play in them? Is that forbidden on Lichess?

I really wanted to play you in the Hyperbullet, in all sincerity. I'm with @Funkmaus
Please lets not keep adding things to the forbidden list. It is huge already. Live and let live.

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