
Unpopular Opinion :Puzzle Rush>Puzzle Storm

Playing experience trumps everything so yeah chesscom's feature isn't even worthy of a comparison.

Puzzle Storm wins by a huge margin which is why I say the conclusion in your title is meaningless. Only with regard to this feature, because they do not have the inc/dec aspect, another clincher, and so the scores are not comparable.

You keep conveniently avoiding the possibility that 1800 puzzles can be solved in 2-3s and your lack of tactical vision is also one of the problems that needs to be included to have a fair discussion.
Without enough data it isn't really feasible to make changes to any feature as it only creates more problems for code maintenance in the future. This discussion would make more sense after a couple of months when there would be sizeable data to draw conclusions based on statistics.

This is not a question of how easily a feature can be added or implemented but more about the repercussions of changing an already working system and future code maintenance and refactoring the puzzle sets, which requires precision and a solid amount of time for mining, which isn't related to a person's quickness but on hardware resources.
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The puzzle sets are generated by a computer but changes to the code are made by a person.
Trying to change the strength for reasons pointed out is basically about which player possesses the better mouse and hardware which is also the case when someone plays bullet.

In principle it is similar to bullet players complaining about KB extension, lag compensation and what not.
There have been some issues with regard to puzzles repeating so mining becomes critical and goes hand-in-hand with the generation of stronger puzzle sets.

There is no problem as such in increasing the strength, it is probably just a constant in the code, but the consequences are not feasible for maintenance, especially when without proper data and reasoning.

I totally understand the point of balancing the strength to account for practical hindrances but that need not affect a player's run. The onus is on the player to improve and see tactics quickly. Vision and pattern recognition are not mutually exclusive; recognizing repeating patterns is helpful in Storm but relying just on that shows a deficit in other areas.
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I in fact agree with this BUT if they really want to step up the level we can actually make "rating levels" depending on the puzzles as a puzzle storm level.
He refused because it's too late. If you had requested this while it was still in beta ( he could've changed it. Now with players like penguin and spicycaterpillar that have scores of 100+, no one will ever break that if they update the difficulty increase to what most people think it should be.
Another thing... the current system rewards accuracy far more than it rewards mouse agility. For example, if you save half a second on each of the first 20 puzzles, but you get one of them wrong, you would have been better off slowing down and not getting the puzzle wrong. It's a pretty good balance imo. Also, puzzle storm has other advantages:

- It's free
- Avoids memorization (at least 20x bigger puzzle database than on
- Faster transition between puzzles
- It rewards getting long puzzles right (on you can lose a lot of time from long puzzles, but the combo system on lichess changes that)
- And finally... the pieces don't get stuck in mud :)
Yes, I guess it is too late to change Puzzle Storm now. My solution for this was to reset the scores because Puzzle Storm has only been around for a week but apparently this doesn't work (I don't know why because I'm dumb).

Regarding the comparison with Puzzle Rush, as I have said I prefer the exciting UI of Puzzle Storm with combos rather than the somewhat mundane 3-strike system of Puzzle Rush. Everything about Puzzle Storm is better than Puzzle Rush, except IMHO the rating progression. But according to the man himself it is not a problem so I'll rest my case here.

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