
Can you join all hourly tournaments, but not play in them? Is that forbidden on Lichess?

@Whale_2023 I also am curious. What's the point? When I see continued acts that have no obvious purpose, that are fake or misleading, I naturally suspect there is a bad motive. I certainly don't see a good motive. You can join a lichess arena tournament at any time when it is still running, so there is no deadline to join.
Help me understand: what the heck is your goal?
it's true that for team tournaments, I sometimes have to join 5 or 6 tournaments in advance so that my teammates can see that as a leader i'm there and therefore they can join, but sometimes I I have a last minute impediment and I can't play, and unfortunately if I have another problem the following week (rare but it has already happened once) so I will be absent two tournaments in a row, I hope so that I will not find myself penalized if a rare circumstance like this happens in the future, but that only concerns this type of tournament where I have responsibilities, when I play in an "individual" tournament (hourly, daily, weekly, elite) I only join 1-2 minutes before the start of the tournament, at worst 5 minutes before the start of the tournament, but it's true, the results of this forum interest me, especially if it results in a moderation decision
Whale_2023 said in #12:
> Followers

In case there were some undecided mods I guess they aren't anymore...
Disclaimer - I didn't read all the posts and responses in this thread, and I only even skimmed WFM Funkmaus' initial response, but I knew my response right away. Technically not "right away," but I don't think I have to be technically correct with everything.

OP is a very Great Bullet player. Take that as a ComplimenT, if he sees this message. We all want to be you. We as in overly competitive people like me.

(but i have to add this part: just because it's """allowed,""" doesn't make it allowed/agreatidea)

We are all in this together. I used to troll FICS to no end because I was angry. Soon afterward, I found the owner of FICS to be a wonderful caring person, and also I do know WFM Funkmaus quite well from FICS. She's seriously really awesome at what she does.
@bugfan said in #15:
> Disclaimer - I didn't read all the posts and responses in this thread, and I only even skimmed WFM Funkmaus' initial response, but I knew my response right away. Technically not "right away," but I don't think I have to be technically correct with everything.
> OP is a very Great Bullet player. Take that as a ComplimenT, if he sees this message. We all want to be you. We as in overly competitive people like me.
> (but i have to add this part: just because it's """allowed,""" doesn't make it allowed/agreatidea)
> We are all in this together. I used to troll FICS to no end because I was angry. Soon afterward, I found the owner of FICS to be a wonderful caring person, and also I do know WFM Funkmaus quite well from FICS. She's seriously really awesome at what she does.

Sorry for the question but what is FICS?
rvin74 said in #8:
> When you approve the ban...
> If a strong player plays one game, then it's fine (no ban)? Or does he have to play two games to avoid a ban? Or does he have to play three games to avoid a ban?

Well, I can only bring up ideas - first question is whether our team agrees - and if they do whether it will be possible to implement on the technical side.
It would be amazing if that process could be automatic - similar to playbans, the duration of which increase on each new infraction.
Having played ONE single game in the tournament should not trigger the sanction - playing just one game is fine; many people tend to "ragequit" after the first loss and try their luck in the next best one. The system should not punish this behavior. The person was clearly going to play the tournament, but it went not their way. :(
It would trigger only if there is someone with "games played 0" at the end of the tournament.
As I said above, that fakes the stats for players as the percentile depends on the amount of players who joined - and it does not matter whether someone "strong" or someone "weak" does it.
It should not apply to team tournaments as well, dear CSKA_Moscou - team leaders join several events for them to be visible on team-page while they are not going to play themselves. Only individual, official tournaments that are visible on our tournament tab.

It is clear that people would still be able to abuse it by joining and playing that one game, but it would still prevent the behavior of joining all hourly arena tournaments while actually (competitively) playing another major event.

Whale_2023 said in #12:
> Followers
Thank you for your honest response - my wild guess was right - and I really appreciate you being honest here.

bugfan said in #15:
> We are all in this together. I used to troll FICS to no end because I was angry. Soon afterward, I found the owner of FICS to be a wonderful caring person, and also I do know WFM Funkmaus quite well from FICS. She's seriously really awesome at what she does.

Aww! Thanks much for those kind words - I am flattered and would return you the compliment with pleasure but I simply do not know who are you - maybe it is best you remain a mystery for me and wont doxx yourself. :D
Happy to see you around here old (unknown) friend. :horseylove
@Funkmaus said in #18:
> Having played ONE single game in the tournament should not trigger the sanction - playing just one game is fine; many people tend to "ragequit" after the first loss and try their luck in the next best one. The system should not punish this behavior. The person was clearly going to play the tournament, but it went not their way. :(
> It would trigger only if there is someone with "games played 0" at the end of the tournament.
> As I said above, that fakes the stats for players as the percentile depends on the amount of players who joined - and it does not matter whether someone "strong" or someone "weak" does it.
> It should not apply to team tournaments as well, dear CSKA_Moscou - team leaders join several events for them to be visible on team-page while they are not going to play themselves. Only individual, official tournaments that are visible on our tournament tab.
> It is clear that people would still be able to abuse it by joining and playing that one game, but it would still prevent the behavior of joining all hourly arena tournaments while actually (competitively) playing another major event.

I see your point. Clearly, you've thought this through and yes I agree that it'd prevent such scenarios where people join individual tournaments with the intent of not playing.

However, it could be worthwhile to consider how frequently such behavior is happening. If this is a rare situation, that is, in most tournaments suppose the top 10 seeds are not joining with the intent of not playing. Then one can argue whether it would be worthwhile to invest time and effort on this and add additional complexities into the system.

As a good rule of thumb, I'd say that we should not solve a problem before it arises or if it's only a minority and the impact that it has is small.
@Whale_2023 said in #12:
> Followers

@Funkmaus said in #18:
> Thank you for your honest response - my wild guess was right - and I really appreciate you being honest here.

As @Funkmaus said in #18, I also appreciate the honest response. That being said, I'd like you to consider the following @Whale_2023.

1. What's the point of more followers? We can't even see the number of followers.

2. Is more followers more important than respect, courtesy, contribution, recognition, or achievements? I don't believe joining just with the intention of getting followers is a great display of courteous things, nor will it gain you much respect.

3. Is quantity more important than quality? Perhaps if you represented yourself differently, you'd gain fewer followers, but you'd get more recognition from titled or recognized players in the community.

4. You have a really high rating, also the number 1 in classical. I applaud and appreciate that. Given your position, why not create studies, write blogs to share your ways and learnings, contribute in the forum more actively, host simuls, and so on for more reach instead of joining a tournament without playing just for the sake of getting a few followers? I think you are doing it the wrong way and not utilizing your full potential.

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