
Protection against cheating

Cheater uses two browsers. Each turn spends 4 seconds. If you put 1.5 minutes + 3 seconds, then the cheater will not have time. The question is - why not, that time would not be added if the time is more than 3 seconds? Now, so that 3 seconds always add.
Not sure I understand your question. But first of all some of the cheaters here are able to play moves in under half a second. They do not need two browser windows or any sort of relaying as it seems the bot plays moves onto the board directly. Obviously I don't know the details as I've never used this cheat, only had it used against me. Maybe someone else can explain the mechanics?

Second, what you seem to be describing is the Fischer increment. Adding time to the clock is done each move. In a 1.5+3 they could use much more than 3 seconds per move. Just divide 3 seconds into 1.5 minutes and you get 30 moves to start with. Then each of those 30 moves had 3 seconds added to the clock, which adds up to another 1.5 minutes. The game will continue infinitely. But as you point out, the player may take 4 seconds. It means they'll be able to get in 22 moves instead of 30 for each 1.5 minutes. And only 1 minute and 3 seconds will have been added to the clock after those 22 moves are completed. You can keep repeating this to find how long before the player loses on time.
You will forgive me. I tried to play through two browsers, that would find out whether the cheater will have time to win or not. I managed to win the game 2 + 0 and did not have time at 1.5 + 0. Then I looked at the time of moves and it averaged 4 seconds.
I made the conclusion that in 1-3 seconds the cheater will not be able to make a move. If he does not give. So, if there is a party of 1,5 + 3, but if for 3 seconds the player does not manage to make a move, then time is not added, then the chances for the cheater will be much less.
At least cheaters with two browsers will be much more difficult.

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