
Post a moment where you don't know what to move here..!

So I was sitting at a bar drinking beer & playing chess (yes, I know this sounds bad but it's hard to get booty in ND with a ratio of 100:1 men to women) and I got stuck at this position...

Maybe there was a way to get the dark square bishop active. I think waiting moves or making small piece improvements are the way to go in these scenarios.
You shouldn't've castled, your king was perfectly safe in the center.
You are probably right... I actually only castle about 1/2 the time out the caro-kann but I really wanted to send those rooks down the open H file.
i guess you were still drunk when you wrote this post, because one move before the mate you play Qb6 and you are 'plus six', idea Qe8 Nc8 Rc1 Qxa6 Rb1 Ka8 Rc1 Ba3! --+
Beer after chess, never during or before.
What / where is ND?
Sounds likea nice place for a single gal to move to.
North Dakota, USA oil fields.... it is actually a very good place for a single gal to move to. Most men here make pretty good money, have their **** together & are otherwise pretty decent.

The lack of women here is kinda an important issue. In years past there has been high crime. Excessive drinking & depression are also prevalent. Here is one of many articles:

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